What are YOU thankful for?? This question seems to only be asked once a year...during Thanksgiving. Why only once a year? I was sitting @ the dinner table with my in-laws yesterday(after stuffing ourselves with Mummy Heard's feast!!!), and we were filling out a little card that asked us what we were thankful for, and what we hoped for/to accomplish in the future...and it occurred to me. We need to take time and think about what we are thankful for more often! Count your blessings! It may be as simple as being thankful for your t.v., or more,
being thankful for waking up everyday in a comfy bed, with a roof over your head, and food in your fridge. Even the little things count!!
How does being thankful affect your life? Let's look at it in terms of someone you may know. Imagine the person who is usually in a bad mood. They are always complaining about something, there is always someone who's done something to them and they're always getting the bum deal. This person is hard to be around and it takes a lot of energy to maintain a relationship with them. By the end of a visit, you're exhausted! Do you think this person is a thankful one? Probably not. In fact, if you asked them what they're thankful for, they may have a hard time telling you.
On the other hand, think of someone else you know. This person is energetic, and has a certain spark to them. They laugh a lot and have a "can-do" attitude. They may be afraid, but they are willing to try new things. If you ask them what they're thankful for, they will be able to list off many. And when you visit with this person, you feel energized, inspired and thankful to know them. It's safe to say that this person is more fulfilled in their life than the unthankful one."
Read more:http://selfawareness.suite101.com/article.cfm/being_in_a_state_of_thankfulness#ixzz0Tm9zETPs
Even if where/what you are isn't where/what you w
ant to be, be thankful that you are where/what you are, be thankful that you are ALIVE!! With breath in your lungs, and shoes on your feet!
Try this exercise: Starting first thing in the morning, make a list of the things you are thankful for. It can be as simple as having hot water for your shower, or a safe drive to work! Keep adding things to your list throughout the day. Then take a look at it before you go to bed...you'll see that all these little things add up pretty fast!! Could you imagine what your list would look like after a week? Month? Year??? That's a stinkin' long list!
I know that it's nearing the end of Thanksgiving, but my hope is for people to take a little time out of their busy day to reflect on everything they are thankful for.
I'm thankful that I have a great country to live in, an amazing husband, great friends, family, my health, my faith, my talents, sunsets, rainbows,(chocolate & shoes!!!)...
What are YOU thankful for?