Lately we've fallen into a bit of a slump, especially on the weekends! Matty ventures into his "cave" to play XBox Live, while I tidy up the house, sit on the sofa with a cuppa tea, and read a book or watch some tv. It's gotten into quite the routine...and I've had enough! We went to Port Moody yesterday, and boy is this place ever cute! We didn't really know where we were going, and the GPS took us to a dead end road, but we ended up finding an amazing park with tons of little hiking trails! We had a little picnic(in the car...it was freezing out okay!?), and wandered around for a couple hours. I can't even remember the name of the place, so I'll have to update later on, but it was gorgeous! One of my new year's resolutions is to get in shape and lose some weight, and this place is definitely on my list of workout spots! Haha! The trails go up, down, all around! It's quite the leg workout! I felt the BURN!! Especially today! After that hike, my kick-boxing workout, AND 2 hours on the recumbent bike(!!!!!...yes, I rode while watching a movie!), my legs feel like jello today! But, that's okay! I just hope I didn't get too many funny looks walking around the grocery store like I just got off a horse! Well, this post was quite random. Yes. But random posts are bound to happen! Enjoy these few shots of Port Moody! There's more to come!