I snagged this couple's questionnaire from a fellow photographers blog http://addilayphotography.blogspot.com/ Thanks!
It's such a cute way to share about Matt and I!
♥ What are your middle names? Emma and Trevor
♥ How long have you been together? in total?...6 years. wow!
♥ How long did you know each other before you started dating? 4 years...kind of.
♥ Who asked who out? I think it was a mutual thing...but I(Claire) am pretty sure I asked the question.
♥ Whose siblings do you see the most? umm...we see one of Matt's brothers every now and then. Used to see his little sis a lot, but she's in Mississippi now. :(
♥ Do you have any children? No, no kids yet... jeez, why does everyone keep asking that!? one day.
♥ What about pets? well, does a Japanese fighting fish count?? her name is Luna, she's mostly blue with some red colouring. Matt got her for me right after we got married. We can't have a dog where we live, but like children...one day!
♥ Which situation is the hardest on you as a couple? money.
♥ Did you go to the same school? no. Matt was home-schooled for most of his schooling life in Langley. I went to public school in Northern Ireland and then in the Okanagan, BC.
♥ Are you from the same home town? No...I was born & raised in Belfast, Northern Ireland, until I was 8. Then my family moved to the Okanagan. Matt was born & raised in the Lower Mainland. I moved here when we got engaged.
♥ Who is the smartest? hmmmm...I think it depends on what the subject is. But Matty's very knowledgeable!
♥ Who is the most sensitive? Me! I will cry about anything...that's how I deal.
♥ Where do you eat out most as a couple? SUSHI!!!
♥ Who has the craziest ex? I think that's a tie...but if we had to pick...hmm. ???
♥ Who has the worst temper? Matt.
♥ Who does the cooking? Me. Occasionally Matt will. But it's me.
♥ Who is more social? Matt. I tend to be quiet until you get to know me.
♥ Who is the neat-freak? unfortunately, neither of us.
♥ Who is the more stubborn? hmmm...I think that's a tie
♥ Who hogs the bed? Matt. I am constantly waking up pulling the blankets back over to my side, or shoving his elbow out of my face!
♥ Who wakes up earlier? We both get up when the alarm goes off @ 5am. yes...5am! After hitting the snooze button 7 times though!
♥ Where was your first date? Our very first date.....hmm...I honestly can't remember! It was either the little Greek place in Princeton during a summer @ camp, or ABC restaurant in Langley.
♥ Who has the bigger family? Immediate family or extended? Immediate - Matt. He has 2 older brothers and a younger sister. Me, I have my baby brother. But if we're talking extended family, then i take the prize on THAT one!
♥ Do you get flowers often? mmm...no, but I'd much rather have a pair of shoes, or a shirt or something instead! hint hint!
♥ How do you spend the holidays? We never really know. It gets decided before Thanksgiving. This year, we're going to my mum's for Christmas dinner though.
♥ Who is more jealous? Me. But I try to hide it...not well.
♥ How long did it take to get serious? Not too long. We had both been in rough relationships previous to our getting together, so we were both just waiting for God to send along the right person. And it just happened to be perfect timing!
♥ Who eats more? Also, sadly, debatable.
♥ Who does/did the laundry? We do it together...pause for the "awwwwwww!". yep. we take it to the laundromat!
♥ Who’s better with the computer? Definitely Matty.
♥ Who drives when you are together? Always Brandon. I think he lacks faith in my driving! Maybe that's because I don't have a license! :P
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