Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Bring on the belt. And more.

Hmm...I bet you're not very happy with me...? I've been slacking, yes. I've not blogged for...donkeys ages! Yep. I have no excuses. Bring on the belt, paddle, ruler, or any other object that would produce welts. I deserve it. :P Owee, that would hurt! (Hmm...why is it ME who is always writing the blog posts?? Why hasn't Matt gotten his butt in front of the computer to write a post? Huh? HUH?? I have no idea, but I hope he'll get into it soon...)

I have been M.I.A. for a very good reason though! So, I guess I DO have an excuse, even if it is just ONE! Ready for it??


Yep. That's it folks! 23 weeks pregnant today!

So there. It's out in the world wide web. Hmm...not sure how I feel about that. Ahh what the heck...:P

Photography has kind of been put on hold for the moment. It wasn't just slowed right down. And it's been lovely to have time to relax and unwind and prepare for this new chapter in our lives!

So far this pregnancy has been such an incredible ride! I felt only slightly nauseous the first few weeks. I couldn't go near meat though! Ick. I was all about the fruit, smoothies, and water. Now that I'm into my 6th month I can handle pretty much anything. Cravings you ask? Tuna, chocolate, peaches.....and them I get these hunger pangs for things at random. Like a Marmite and cheddar sandwich. Never liked Marmite in my lifetime, ever! And Spam...WHAT?? I had a serious craving for that gunk a couple weeks ago. I DID NOT give into said craving, thank goodness.

My mood has been ok. Every now and then I'll have a day full of hormoney goodness(or shall I say badness). But it's been pretty mellow. I'm sure once I get bigger and moving around gets a little more difficult, I may find myself getting snappy. Been feeling awesome though!!

Matt's so excited to be a dad! He can't wait! :)

Anyways, must be running along. Got some chocolate milk with my name on it, calling me from the fridge!

So........sorry for the massive gap in posting lately. My excuse: I'm growing a person inside of me. What can you do? :P

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About This Blog

We <3 Photography! What more can we say? Heard Images is made up of husband & wife team, Matt & Claire Heard. They currently reside in Surrey, British Columbia.